Special Events & Stamp Show Covers


We produce cacheted Show Covers and Event Covers, many with pictorial cancels.
(To see pictures and more visit our “Special Events” & “Stamp Show Covers” archives).
Scroll down for a price list.

SASE required with proper postage:
"1 forever stamp" 1-3 covers, "1 forever stamp + $0.21" 3-6 covers, etc.
send orders to: Tidewater Stamp Club, PO Box 2000, Easton, MD 21601
We try to keep this list up-to-date, but it's best to contact us for availability before ordering.

* Items marked with a * are available with both red & blue cachets.


2011-Show Cover - Piney Point Lighthouse cachet & pictorial cancel, lighthouse stamp$3.50
2010-Show Cover - Ragged Point Lighthouse cachet & pictorial cancel, lighthouse stamp$3.00
2009-Show Cover - Holland Island Bar Lighthouse cachet & pictorial cancel, lighthouse stamp$3.00
2008-Show Cover - Baltimore Lighthouse cachet & pictorial cancelSold Out
2007-Show Cover - Sharp’s Island Lighthouse cachet & pictorial cancel$3.00
2006-Show Cover - Blackistone Island Lighthouse cachet & pictorial cancel$3.00
*2005-Show Cover - Point No Point Lighthouse cachet & pictorial cancel$3.00
*2004-Show Cover - Ft Carroll Lighthouse cachet & pictorial cancel, lighthouse stamp$3.00
*2003-Show Cover - Turkey Point Lighthouse cachet & pictorial cancel, lighthouse stamp$3.00
2002-Show Cover - Hooper Island Lighthouse cachet & pictorial cancel, lighthouse stampSold Out
2001-Show Cover - Irish Creek cachet, St. Patrick’s Day cancel, Irish Immigration stamp$2.00
2000-Show Cover - Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum 35th anniversary cachet$2.00
1998-Show Cover - USS Maine cachet, USS Maine stamp + USS Maine documentary$2.00
1994-Show Cover - Tilghman Island 340th anniversary cachet, skipjack (oyster boat) stamp$2.00
1987-Show Card - Talbot County Histoical Society Auditorium cachet, Stamp Collecting postal card$2.00
2004-St. Michaels 200th Anniversary cachet & log canoe pictorial cancel, USS Constellation stamp$2.00
*2003-9/11 Commemoration w/Flag stamp, cachet & pictorial cancel$2.00
*2002-9/11 Commemoration w/Flag stamp, cachet & pictorial cancel$2.00
2001-Easton Little League State Champs cachet & pictorial cancel, baseball stamp$2.00, $10/set 10
2001-Easton Date Meets Zip Cover - Triple pictorial cancel, Mayor & Postmaster autographed, limitedSold Out