Special Events Covers
The Tidewater Stamp Club has a tradition of producing cacheted Show Covers and Event Covers, many with pictorial cancels.
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October 9, 2004 - Town Charter 200th Anniversary
9-11, 2003 - "We remember the sacrifice"
9-11, 2002 - "We remember the sacrifice"
September 1, 2001 - Easton Little League - 2001 Maryland State Champion
August 4, 2001 - Julian Date [216-01] = Zip Code / Easton, MD [21601]
June 21, 2001 - Summer Solstice - Date [21-6-01] = Zip Code / Easton, MD [21601]
February 16, 2001 - When date meets Zip code - [2-16-01] = Zip Code / Easton, MD [21601]
July 4, 1998 - 7th annual Easton's Old Time - July 4, 1998 Celebration [zip code 21601-9998]
March 26, 1994 - Sharps Island Light - Chesapeake Bay Skipjack
March 26, 1994 - Tilghman Island, MD - 340thAnniversary
October 16, 1989 - National Stamp Collecting Month
June 26, 1989 - TSC First Annual Picnic Cover
April 19, 1986 - Town of Easton, MD - 275th Year Anniversary